This Kirby-themed children's book features pull-tab mechanisms and interactive textures.
Kirby's Midnight Pizza Bread shows how to make a pizza braid recipe without explicit instructions. It was important to have the illustrations clear enough so that a person could follow along with the recipe. Apart from these constraints, the form in which the final product is presented was given full discretion. Creating a children's book was a creative way to demonstrate the recipe while emphasizing user interactivity.
Skills: Illustrator, Indesign
Duration: 15 weeks

The Guidebook:
The main storybook is accompanied by a guidebook that includes each vectorized step of the recipe. In case the child doesn't know what to do next, they can consult the guidebook.

What I learned:
Visual storytelling was the core of this project. The challenge was to have viewers recognize components while also being able to replicate the recipe. After many iterations, I learned the importance of keeping perspective, scale, and color consistent. I'm proud of how I chose to present the recipe and learned a lot about how certain mechanisms worked in children's books.